The Sleepy Clank part 1


In this episode of The Sleepy Clank, Agatha attempts to catch forty well-deserved winks in the wake of a hard day of hero-ing. But it seems the Jager’s may have other ideas … Not to be confused with Agatha’s official history, these are stories that people tell about Agatha.

The Girl Genius Radio Theatre material has been floating around fandom for some years, but has become increasingly difficult to find. Under the terms of the Studio Foglio fansite guidelines and using a Creative Commons license, I am excited to provide a mirror site for this material. I plan to post a new episode into the feed every week, to create an RSS feed just for this title and avoid a huge download dump. If you can’t wait, go get the entire thing from the fan page I set up!


Last 5 posts by Winston Crutchfield