Magic Apocalypse

darksword adventuresYou thought the end of the world had already come and gone, right? Not so much. The word “apocalypse” means “sudden awakening”, as in the sudden realization of new information or a new state of being. Prepping for a doomsday scenario is less about waiting for the world to end than about embracing new ways of thinking about the world we have. Is the apocalypse around the corner? Are we about to have a radical shift in the way we think? It’s worth considering. This episode Curt and I prep for the coming of the rifts, or since we don’t want to tread too heavily on any one magical paradigm’s toes, the sudden and irreversible onslaught of a magic in general. The segment ends kind of abruptly due to … uh, microphone apocalypse? We conclude with the next installment of Rock the Dragon! read more