Makes Me Crazy

Mistreatment of my favorite characters makes me crazy.  Unearned reputation makes me crazy.  Spending two and a half years on a comic book hoping against hope that it will turn out to be epic (or at least comprehensible) makes me crazy!  And when the Powers That Be decide to turn a waste of paper into a waste of film, shoot a trailer and promotional reel that looks freakin’ awesome, and then utterly fail to deliver the goods on a product that I really should have known better than to buy in the first place . . . well that really makes me crazy!

To mitigate my craziness, I invited my good friend Karate Drew over for a screening, in the hopes that I was simply cranky from heartburn.  To my horror and dismay, this movie still makes me crazy!  If you have read my review of Superman/Batman: Public Enemies, you might be prepared for some of what is about to occur.  If not, brace yourself, as Drew and I pan the living daylights out of this utter waste of time and you get to hear what crazy sounds like as its happening.  Unfortunately, this podcast is not a riff-track, though I’m considering a combination drinking-game and riff-track for this feature.

I just don’t know if I want to sit through it again.


Last 5 posts by Winston Crutchfield